Bella's Search Box!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Hey people! Its Bella here! Click that follow button now. I command you. (Hehe) Also, visit here often and make that view counter rise! Nothing makes me wag my tail more than to see more views here every day!

Stay posted here VERY soon for the 1st video of me! (I'll be fetching!!)
The Fetching Kitten will make it's debut!!

Another thing, Virtual Kelly. The kitten.
<-----------------Over there!

You can play with her! Pet her and click around and she'll hop around and paw at you! Click the "More" button and you'll see a toy and cat food. Wiggle the toy around her and she'll playfully bat it around. Give her the food and open it. She'll eat it all! Have fun!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Wasp Experience

Well, my owners got home from vacation today. My sister, Emily, was sniffing out my owner's backpack. She was pawing it and she suddenly jerked her paw back. My owner moved the backpack and we saw a wasp! My other owner quickly killed it and we all looked at her paw. It turns out, when she stuck her paw behind the backpack, it stung her! She is ok now, her paw is a bit swollen, but nothing too serious. Phew! Im glad she sparred me the experience of being stung by a wasp. Love ya big sister, Emmie!


PS: There will be pictures of us soon, so stay tuned!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Hello! My name is Bella! I have 1 sister, Emily, who is a very sweet Calico cat. I am a Pixie Bob kitten. I am 6 months old and full of energy! My hobbies include:

Fetching Balls (Yes! I am a cat and I fetch)
Wagging My Tail
Playing "Tennis" with my Owners
Sitting By the Window and Watching Bugs Fly By (And sometimes trying to attack them!)

Stay tuned for videos of my hobbies and pictures of my sister Emily and I!

~~ Bella The Pixie Bob

P.S: If you want to learn more about Pixie Bobs, go Here: